Saturday, February 17, 2007

brew hella holar hand

what do you want? i dont think you neeed me to explain.

now if you really want t talk, i am a large fan of timber talk and the last time i checked i was the only dude tn the entire world that is in to timber talk now a days. so just to let you know. school is forkid rock loving smucks.

johnny is back. "shy dont you marry it"

did you get married. secret. hawaii? vegas? why does runing away and getting married have a special word used to describe the action of being drunk and doing something you will regret for the rest of your life.

if i had 2 words left before i expired, they wouldn not be i do. snakes eat fool,
spit them out iinto a bloody puddle andwash them up and thake them home to meet mommy

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