Monday, May 08, 2006
"rub-a-dub-dub, 3 men in a tub."
"tight quarters requires tight MANeuvers."
"No shirts... Yes service!"
"Dude, your ass is in my crotch"
"100% male"
"0% female"
"reverse oreo"
"hold me and dont ever let go."
"we gotta get laid before the sun goes down."
"why does the black guy always got to be in the middle?"
"i guess i will just say i was drunk"
"Is your hand on my leg?"
"i wanna be in front"
"where the fuck is J-Rocks hand?"
"and why is he smiling so much?"
"does this make me a gay?"
"the footy is gonna be tight."
"i have always wanted to have a 3 some"