Monday, February 12, 2007

pbr vs pb&j

we all have eaten it

wwe all have drank it

now this is what you have to try
go to target and buy yourself a blender
add 1 cup peanut butter
1 cup jelly
1 hamburger bun
and 6 cans of fun

next thing you know you will know how to fly

and maybe your life will start to not be as lame as college womens basketball

or maybe mantooth is lame and smelly

shout out section

watson good looks on the cast

jwood aka skelator, hows castle grayskull?

o dawg. brew bro birth bash blu ball bettie

johnny......where the hell have you been?
are we still cool?
it was just an accident.
i promise.

i like mantooth's sweater

lookin sharp
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